Every Veteran has a story worth telling, sharing and preserving. Interview is complimentary to any veteran. Each interview is recorded, documented and submitted to the Library of Congress Veteran History Project, Washington D.C. Contact: susan@scaolo.com Ask about group and organization participation. Preservation Legacy Inc. 501( C )3 supports this Veterans History Project Initiative
Interview with US Army Vietnam Veteran, Leonard "Doc" Brooks, Combat Medic. 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Bn. 27th Infantry Regiment (Wolfhounds) C.R.I.P. Combined Reconnaissance Intelligence Platoon 1967-68. Served in USARMY 1961-1975. Visit Brooks' website honoring "The Mighty 10", ten soldiers K.I.A. on February 11, 1968. (USArmy records KIA date of February 12, 1968.) Lt. Michael W. Embody; Sgt. Bruce G. Howerter; Sgt. Donnie Joe Malar; SP4 Ralph E. Peters; SP4 Robert L. Hughes; SP4 Ulysses Stewart; SP4 William F. Joiner; SP4 Robert M. Nix; SP4 Gerald A. Tucker.
Interviewed on 01/30/2022 in Austin, Texas for the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. (View Leonard "Doc" Brooks' interview at the Library of Congress.) Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Michael Lambert III served in USMC from June 1966 to June 1972. Hue was hit by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops at 2:00am January 31st, 1968. Lambert and his two rifle squads were guarding two bridges, essential resupply routes, on National Route 1 south of the Pay Bai combat base. The enemy opened up their attack with mortars and a ground assault. The Marines held both bridges. The TET OFFENSIVE had begun for Hotel Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines in spades! On February 2nd, their new assignment was to saddle up and move into Hue. Lambert shares his detailed account of intense, continuous street fighting and being wounded by schrapnel from an 82 mm round. Lambert and two other wounded officers, the Skipper, Captain Ron Christmas and Platoon Commander, Ken Kromer were med-evaced to the Navy Hospital at Phi Bai. Christmas and Kromer were transferred to hospitals out of the country. When Hotel Company First Sergeant Uriegas informed Lambert that he was the only remaining officer in country and that Hotel was still engaged in heavy fighting in Hue, he checked out of the hospital, rejoined his company and continued intense urban fighting. Listen to hear more of Lambert's vivid account of this major battle.
Susan Caolo conducted interview on October 7, 2022 . All interview materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC. (View Michael Lambert's Interview at the Library of Congress.)
Michael Lambert is a member of Chapter 576 Military Order of the Purple Heart. Visit: https://www.purpleheart.org ; Michael and his wife, Peggy, have six children and twenty-eight grandchildren.
Interview with US Army Vietnam Veteran, Scott R. Major. Served in Vietnam at US Army Depot DaNang. November 9, 1967 - July 22, 1971.
Susan Caolo , anthropologist | ethnographer, conducted interview on September 18, 2024 in Marietta, Georgia inside exhibited YC-141B, Aviation History & Technology Center www.ahtc360.org . All interview materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC.
Interview with Gregory A. Doss who served in the U.S. Air Force from June 19, 2001 - June 19, 2007. Conflicts: Korean Defense & Global War on Terror. Service areas: Lackland AFB, TX; Ft. Gordon, GA; Camp Humphreys, South Korea; Hickam AFB, Hawaii; Nellis AFB, NV. Special TDY, Tour of Duty: JPAC - Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command in Vietnam to do recovery MIA in Vietnam War.
Susan Caolo conducted interview in Jonesboro, Georgia and contributed to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC.
Interview with Jim Mathis, USMC veteran conducted on 12-13-2017 for NPS Kennesaw Mtn. National Battlefield Park and Library of Congress Veterans History Project.Lebanon Operation 1958. 54 minutes. In Memoriam. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Interview with US Army veteran Major Jay Haney conducted on 01-05-2018 for NPS Kennesaw Mtn. National Battlefield Park and Library of Congress Veterans History Project; MACV, ARVN Division Advisory Team; Cold War / Vietnam. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Veterans History Project Interview with Charles "Chuck" Cape, Vietnam US Army Veteran. interviewed 01-15-2020. (see Audio section above, Part 1, audio only)
Part 2, video and audio recorded June 3, 2020 during Covid via Zoom for the Library of Congress Veterans' History Project. The CHARLES "CHUCK" CAPE COLLECTION at Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.120100/#item-service_history
Interviewer: Susan Caolo, ethnographer / anthropologist
003VHP: Interview with Vietnam War veteran, JAMES R. BLIGH, , U.S. MARINE CORPS. Jim Bligh served in the USMC from 1966-1970. Unit: Kilo Company; 1st Marine Division; 3rd Battalion; 26th Marine Regiment. Vietnam War - I Corps near Da Nang Vietnam. Jim served as Platoon Commander in charge of 30-40 Marines.Two major operations in1969: Meade River and Bold Mariner. Jim was wounded on February 1, 1969. As a result of wounds, he lost his left leg and was retired from the Marine Corps. Jim received Bronze Star with Combat "V" , Purple Heart, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry; Combat Action Ribbon. Photos shown: Jim's wedding. Jim's Marine "brothers' Back row standing- Left to right: 2nd LT Chris Carson, he was Kilo's forward observer; 1st LT White, Kilo's executive officer (Both Marines were also wounded by a mine the day Jim Bligh was wounded); Front row Left to right: Jim Bligh; 2nd LT Mike Trominski, Kilo's weapons platoon commander. Later, after returning from the war, Jim went back to work for UPS in New York and continued a long and successful career as a UPS executive in Atlanta, Georgia. Interview conducted by Susan Caolo, ethnographer/oral historian, November 30, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. All interview materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC. Jim Bligh's Collection #AFC/2001/001/112349 https://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.112349/#item-service_history
Visit: www.loc.gov/vets
Interview USMC BERNARD "BERNIE" EVELER, 1ST LT - 1953-1973 054VHP: Interview with Vietnam veteran, BERNARD "BERNIE" EVELER , U.S. MARINE CORPS. Bernie Eveler served in the USMC from 3rd Battalion; 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division and numerous other units. EVELER served duty as Embassy Guard, Istanbul, Turkey; Marine Baracks, Morocco; MCAS Beaufort, SC. Drill Instructor at Parris Island; 2nd Battalion 5th Marine RVN; 2n Battalion, 23rd Marine, CA; 4th LaamBn, 29 Palms; Marine Baracks San Francisco, CA. Commissioned under the Outstanding Leadership Program. Battles/Campaigns: Starlight; Utah; Texas; Prairie RVN 1965-1966. Medals: Combat Action Ribbon; Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal; Drill Instructor Ribbon; Embassy Guard Ribbon.
Bernie remains active with Marine Veterans organizations and is newsletter editor for the L/CPL Squire "Skip" Wells Marine Corps League Detachment 647 in Marietta GA. Visit: https://mcl647.org/index.html
Interview conducted by Susan Caolo, ethnographer/oral historian, December 5th, 2023 in Hiram, Georgia. Additional clip recorded January 6th, 2024. All interview materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC. Visit: www.loc.gov/vets
050VHP: Interview with WWII and Korean War Veteran, RICHARD P. STROUD SR., LT. JG; Richard served in the USNAVY from Oct. 6, 1947 to June 30, 1961. He volunteered at age 17, went through GUNNERY school, got his combat aircrew wings and was getting on an aircraft carrier just as WWII ended. Then signed up for the HOLLAWAY V5 Program; Flight training at Pensacola, FL; got his GOLD WINGS as Ensin. Went to VS-32 AIR ANTI SUBMARINE SQUADRON 32 at Norfolk, VA. was scheduled to go to Korea in 1950, but then FBI selected him for a COVERT MISSIONS on US East Coast where Russian Submarines were violating the 12 mile International Zone. STROUD's 24 plane squadron flew 24/7. Richard flew from aircraft carrier 100+ Take Offs and Landings and 500 nights, searched 950,000 miles. Interview conducted by SUSAN CAOLO on Friday, April 21, 2023 in Acworth Georgia and contributed to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington D.C. Link to R. Stroud's Collection: https://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.125243/#item-service_history
(addl.: Operation Song produced "Good Co Pilot" on YouTube, to honor STROUD'S miraculous landing on his aircraft carrier during a Category Four Hurricane. https://youtu.be/lV3r2Mg3QEA
031vhp Interview with Victor Athakhanh. Served May 1995 - May 1999. 1st Battalion 4th Marines; USS TARAWA, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Desert Storm; Desert Strike; Desert Thunder Op; National Defense Service Award; Armed Forces Expeditionary; Sea Service Ribbon; Rifle and Pistol Expert Badge
Interview was conducted by Susan Caolo, ethnographer-oral historian, on May 22,, 2022 in Chamblee, Georgia. All materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington D.C.
038VHP: Interview with Vietnam War veteran, ANTHONY "Tony" GASPER, Captain, U.S. MARINE CORPS. Tony served in the USMC from Dec. 21, 1968 to May 31, 1975.
Dec. 1968 to July 1969:The Basic School, Class 6-69 ( Hotel Company) Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA. July 1969-Oct. 1969 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines (Platoon Commander), 1st Marine Division, Republic of Vietnam. Feb. 1970-Oct. 1970: Headquarters Company (S-3 Watch Officer), 1st Marines Division, Republic of Vietnam. Oct. 1970-Dec. 1972: Officer Candidate School (Staff officer), Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA. Dec. 1972 -Nov. 1974: 3rd Battalion (Company Commander twice, then S-4), 8th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC. Nov. 1974-May 1975: 2nd Motor Transport Battalion (Company Commander), 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC.
Tony is an active member of The Marine Corps League - L/CPL SQUIRE "SKIP" WELLS Detachment #647 in Marietta, Georgia ( www.mcl647.org ) Renamed to honor L/Cpl Squire "Skip" Wells who was a native of Cobb County, Georgia. He was one of the 5 servicemen killed in the terrorist attack on the reserve center in Chattanooga, TN on July 16, 2015. Tony and his wife, Betty, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Their son is a USMC veteran who served two tours in the Iraq War. Their grandson is currently serving in the USMC.
Interview was conducted by Susan Caolo on April 18, 2023 in Marietta, Georgia and is archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC.
Sherman Neal II, USMC 7th Marines and 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines. Served from May 14, 2010 - March 15, 2019. Twentynine Palms, California; Kuwait; Jordan; Iraq. Deployed twice in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. Medals / Awards: Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal.
Interview was conducted by Susan Caolo, ethnographer-oral historian, on May 4th, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. All materials are archived and accessible at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington D.C.
Vietnam 1967-1969 : MACV assistant battalion advisor with an ARVN infantry battalion in the 18th ARVN Division. Later assigned to 46th Special Forces Company Thailand.
IN PROGRESS (partial interview - incomplete) Robert W. Porter enlisted in the USNAVY and served from 1952-1956. Seaman 3rd Class - Electronic Technician on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt and USS Siboney;
Partial Interview by Susan Caolo recorded on January
(Interview 2 of 2) 042VHP VINCENT "VINNIE" ESPOSITO, U.S. MARINE CORPS, KOREAN WAR. February 6, 1951-March 1952. Areas of Service: Korea; Albany, Georgia. Rank: Sergeant. Medals / Awards: Korean Service Medal; National Defense Service; Korean Defense Service; Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation; United Nations Service Medal; Republic of Korea War Service. Birthplace: St. Albans, New York.
Interview conducted by Susan Caolo, April 21, 2023 in Acworth, Georgia. Interview contributed to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington D.C. for current and future generations. Visit: www. loc.gov/vets
(interview 1 of 2) 042VHP VINCENT "VINNIE" ESPOSITO, U.S. MARINE CORPS, KOREAN WAR. February 6, 1951-March 1952. Areas of Service: Korea; Albany, Georgia. Rank: Sergeant. Medals / Awards: Korean Service Medal; National Defense Service; Korean Defense Service; Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation; United Nations Service Medal; Republic of Korea War Service. Birthplace: St. Albans, New York.
Interview conducted by Susan Caolo, January 21, 2023 in Acworth, Georgia. Interview contributed to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington D.C. for current and future generations. Visit: www. loc.gov/vets
028VHP EARL PORTER III, US ARMY, Captain / Ranger / 1st - 64th Combined Arms Battalion; 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. Operation Iraqi Freedom (2010); Operation Enduring Freedom (2012); Locations: Mosul, Iraq; Kandahar, Afghanistan; Ft. Benning, Ga.; Ft. Steward, GA. Medals / Service Awards: Afghan Campaign Medal w/ Campaign Star; Bronze Star; Army Commendation Medal (3x)/ Global War on Terrorism / Iraqi Campaign Medal/ Overseas Service Ribbon/ Nato Medal. Special Duties: Rifle Platoon Leader; Ranger Tab; Parachutist Badge; Expert Infantryman Badge; Scout Platoon Leader (AFG); Senior Platoon Trainer Post-military, Porter established a non-profit organization, Something Outta Nothing to raise support and awareness about veterans suicide. Visit: www.son.vet This interview was conducted by Susan Caolo at the Library of Congress on December 2nd, 2021 and archived at the Library of Congress Veterans History Project in Washington, DC.
BE SURE TO READ EARL'S IMPORTANT ARTICLE : https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2023/06/one-way-to-mitigate-the-risk-of-post-traumatic-stress/
Paul Hampton West, USARMY, 1st Lt.; Korean War; Heartbreak Ridge;
Company E, 14th Infantry Regiment; 25th Infantry Brigade
Interview Excerpt 14 minutes with daughter, Myra Cox: Interview with Paul Hampton West Jr., US Army, Korean War. Conducted on 03/06/2020 in Acworth, Georgia for the Library of Congress Veteran's History Project. Visit: https://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.120094/
Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Library of Congress Veterans History Project: www.loc.gov/vets
Interview with US Army Vietnam Combat Medic, Leonard "Doc" Brooks, 25th Infantry Div., 2nd Bn. 27th Infantry Regiment (Wolfhounds) C.R.I.P. Combined Reconnaissance Intelligence Platoon 1967-68. Interview 01/30/2022 Austin,TX for Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
005VHP Mathis, James "Jim" - USMC - 10 minute excerpt from Interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress.
Visit: Recorded 12-13-2017 Kennesaw, Georgia for NPS Kennesaw Mtn. National Battlefield Park. Interviewer: Susan Caolo; In Memoriam of Jim Mathis.
027VHP Simmerman, Marilyn, US Air Force WAF, Korean War Era, Airman 2nd Class. Avid softball player and Braves baseball fan.Interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded September 28, 2021 in Marietta, Georgia USA. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
026VHP Kim, Mabel - US Navy and US Army. Interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded Sept. 16, 2021 Marietta, Georgia USA.
Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Link to MABEL KIM COLLECTION at Library of Congress Veterans History
025VHP Dyer, Sarita - US Army, Sergeant Major interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded on September 16, 2021 in Marietta, Georgia USA. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
024VHP Bouchard, Carolyn - WWII US Navy WAVES, Singing Platoon, interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded August 28, 2021 in Acworth, Georgia USA. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Link to Library of Congress Veterans History colle
Veterans History Project interview with Vietnam Era USMC veteran, Doug Tasse. Interviewed 01-25-2018 for NPS Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, Kennesaw, Georgia and Veterans History Project / Library of Congress. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
018VHP Vincent "Vinny" Caolo - USARMY Interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded on July 17, 2019 in South Haven, Michigan USA. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
023VHP Doddridge, James Spencer -USMC 1974-1978; Avid boxer - on board ship "Smoker" champ! Interview for Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress. Recorded on August 23, 2021 in Clayton, Georgia USA. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Veterans History Project Interview with Carlos Hurston, US Navy veteran, interviewed 02-02-2018 for NPS Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park and the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Veterans History Project Interview with Charles "Chuck" Cape, Vietnam US Army Veteran. interviewed 01-15-2020. Part 1, audio only. Part 2, video and audio recorded via Zoom. Library of Congress Interviewer: Susan Caolo
Veterans History Project interview with US Army veteran, Terri Westphal Greene. Interviewed 12-26-2017 in Marietta, Georgia USA for NPS Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park and Veterans History Project/Library of Congress. Interviewer: Susan Caolo